
Methods and apparatus for using humidity level to adjust the temperature set point of an HVAC system for increased occupant comfort. An in-phase processing path and a quadrature processing path of the RF mixer may utilize a single shared GM stage. The conductive material layer preferably comprises a titanium layer and a titanium-nitride layer arranged on top of one another. An initial guess is provided to a solution for a system of equations formed using the equation set for each of the cells. The other end of the connector 16 then attaches to another length of cable 12 and to another connector plug 10 on the end of the cable 12.


The present invention relates to a method for adaptively controlling a transmission radiation pattern. The flat panel display includes a housing, a panel module and a main bracket. Each of the branches of the first tree ends in a leaf node. In another embodiment of the present invention, an authentication server transmits proactive keys needed for roaming to neighbor APs to which the STA is likely to move, so that when the STA moves to one of the neighbor APs, a reassociation is carried out between the STA and the neighbor AP using the already provided proactive key.


Disclosed is an image processing system for processing an input image containing an object image of a predetermined pattern which may have been magnified, the image processing system. Oblong links comprise preferably two holes per link and hold each tread that abut one another together, a cylindrical pin inserts snugly through an end of each ramp tread, passes through the link hole, then preferably re-enters tread of the ramp which connects multiple treads together and creates strength when weight is placed on ramp and allows the ramp to be rolled up. An apparatus for use in mixed mode VPLS network is also disclosed. The described methods are intended to replace or complement the measurement of creatinine andor cystatin C andor NGAL for diagnosis of renal failure. The frame forms below the lower portion a space accommodating bodies of the bottles hanging from the holders in the lower stretch.


The current invention is a novel superparamagnetic site-targeting nanoparticle comprising superparamagnetic nanoparticles encapsulated with a smart polymer. and non-confidential information. A fluid transfer system is operable to transfer fluid between the mother well and daughter well and purify the fluid that is transferred to the daughter well from the mother well. The rigid microfluidic delivery member includes a die and electrical traces that are in electrical communication with the die, wherein the electrical traces terminate at electrical contacts, wherein the electrical traces are disposed on only one plane. The thermal interface material layer is reflowed to establish thermal contact with both the first semiconductor chip and the heat spreader. The foreign material removing member and the seal member are mounted to the ball screw shaft, at each of both the axial ends of the nut, while being overlapped to each other in a state that inner peripheral portions of the foreign material removing member and the seal member contact an outer peripheral surface of the ball screw shaft and the ball rolling groove thereof.


Systems and methods for determining the coronary sinus vein branch location of a left ventricle electrode are disclosed. The liner and shell are connected by a hollow member having low thermal conductivity around the opening of the cabinet. The network center aggregates and bundles the content elements and transmits a bundled content element to a wide network delivery system.


A thermal storage type gas treating apparatus has a high sealing performance while achieving a simple apparatus construction. The shell casing includes an inner surface and an outer surface. The device further includes a security frame between the base circuit board and the cover circuit board, at least one electrically conductive wire being wound and included within the security frame to form at least one winding protection layer around sides of the security frame.


A semiconductor package that includes at least two semiconductor devices that are coupled to one another through a conductive clip. The invention also comprises a separation matrix, comprising the described ligands coupled to a porous support, such as particles or a membrane. The x-axis rotating part rotates a main surface of a wafer about an x-axis, and the y-axis rotating part rotates the main surface of the wafer about a y-axis. When a request for porting the portable phone number to a new service provider is received, the request is analyzed to determine whether the customer has authorized the requested port. The first and second coplanar transmission structures are electrically coupled together via substantially flat electrical conductors.


A surgical instrument assembly includes an inserter instrument and a driving instrument to engage an implant to a bony structure in a patient. The male coupling includes ribs that flex portions of the female coupling as an insert of the male coupling is positioned within the female coupling. Each of the paws has a stud shaft to couple with an axle hole formed on the bottom of the shell so that the paws are in contact with the bottom side of the shell in a spaced manner. If it finds a deviation from one of the stylistic rules, it displays a message to inform the user of the error and, if possible, suggests specific changes to correct the error. A third dielectric layer is disposed on the second dielectric layer and etch-stopping dielectric region. A method for controlling the growth of a target plant includes applying the pesticide composition to the target plant.


Process for the obtaining of 1-adamantane decane) derivatives, or of a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, based on a carboxylation reaction, via metallation, of a precursor compound with an adequate leaving group. The apparatus has an apertured rotating barrel which hold the garments or fabric. Also, a time period of storing the Nth piece of the user data is controlled to partially or entirely overlap with a time period of storing the th piece of the meta data. The sales server provides instructions to the first seller’s computer for fulfillment of the first sales order and to the second sales computer for the fulfillment of the second sales order. The calling number or network address associated with the client computer is used as a key to query a database to obtain the helpful information, which is preferably updated periodically by running a software application in the client computer. The drug-eluting medical device is implanted into the chronic total occlusion and elutes a drug that softens or dissolves the plaque of the occlusion over a period of time.


A system for making small modifications to the pattern in standard processed semiconductor devices. According to the invention, the adhesive contains a substance which lowers the pH on contact with skin moisture. Inflation of the presenter preferably occurs upon activation by an electronic control system that receives inputs from one or more vehicle systems, such as a seat weight sensor, a door openclosed sensor, andor an ignition switch. The coordinates represent a motion vector.