
A high-speed wavelength channel selector has properties of relatively easy manufacturing and easy extension to multi-channel integration, and a high-speed space and wavelength multiplexed channel selector uses the high-speed wavelength channel selector. One embodiment employs a bore in the plug so that the thin wall of the plug flexes outward at high pressures to partially fill the gap between the chamber member and the plug where the o-ring is located, thereby preventing the o-ring from extruding through the narrowed gap. A variation is determined during a predetermined time interval of the stimulation signal preceding the current instant of injection and exempt from injection, to accelerate the charge or the discharge of the floating substrate of the transistor.


The invention relates to a method of regulating the temperature of a heat regenerator used in an installation for storing energy by adiabatic compression of air. All of the wheel sets are vertically adjustable to negotiate stairways and similar changes of elevation. A coupling mechanism can be included and associated with the connector portion so as to provide the connector portion with substantially uniform contact across a contact surface area with the conducting member. If it does not so qualify, the customer’s original selection will be dispensed and the transaction ends.


In a current controlling apparatus for controlling a load current flowing through a load, a reference level generating circuit generates a reference level signal, and a reference signal generating circuit generates a reference signal in accordance with the reference level signal. Each spiral flow channels has a first end near the central axis and a second ends near the periphery. In operation, the hood, which does not move with the rotor, extends over part of the circumferential area.


A method comprising defining one or more aggregate virtual fields for a first document using meta-data associated with the first document is disclosed. An active control card which receives a request passes the request to the inactive control card for processing if and only if the inactive control card is synchronized with the active control card and the inactive control card is able to process the request. A pressure sensor detects an actual pressure value at a connection of the proportional pressure valve.


Coding techniques for a video image compression system involve improving an image quality of a sequence of two or more bi-directionally predicted intermediate frames, where each of the frames includes multiple pixels. The mounting structure comprises a case, one pair of sliding slots and at least one recess. Such simultaneous inspection processing and transmission may be implemented using two ownership bits for the packet, one to indicate \u201cownership to process\u201d and one to indicate \u201cownership to send,\u201d instead of the single ownership bit that is used in conventional systems. The two slots into which the marbles fall may equate to two dice being rolled in certain traditional craps games. The catheter includes a guidewire configured to carry a balloon and deploy directly in a branch leg without traversing acute bends. A method for producing the same is also provided.


A mechanism for determining an optimal compression technique for each data file when creating a computer archive file from a set of data files. In one illustrative embodiment, the method comprises forming a layer comprised of a refractory metal, determining a thickness of the layer of refractory metal, and converting a portion of the layer of refractory metal to a metal silicide. The texture material base and the pigment material are combined and deposited on the target surface to form a durable, irregular, colored surface. The method also includes associating, by the administrator, a plurality of tools used to complete the task with the task, where the plurality of tools include at least one of templates used to manage the task, experts on the task, and frequently asked questions regarding the task.


An improved structure for the sound coil of loudspeaker comprises a cylinder provided with multiple layers of coils surrounding one end thereon. A temperature measurement start instruction is provided to the controller of the wireless wafer at a position in a wireless wafer carrier, and thereby the wireless wafer starts temperature detection to store time-series data of the detected temperature value in the storing portion. The circuit has particular application to asynchronous multiple processor networks. In a layout view, a first area for placement of the first and second diodes is interposed between at least two separate sets of second areas for placement of the MOS transistor.


A system including a DRAM memory device on an integrated circuit using a control logic device to initiate a body refresh operation to provide a means for maintaining a low voltage at a floating body and discourage data loss, and a design structure including the DRAM memory device embodied in a machine readable medium is provided. The cation and the anion containing liquids are spaced from, and preferably out of contact with one another on the surface of the reflective coating as an electric current is moved through the anion containing liquid, the conductive surface between the liquids and the cation containing liquid to coat the conductive surface with the electrically conductive coating. The curb opening filter has a system for vertically attaching a filter apparatus over the curbside opening. A plurality of trailer attachment plates are connected to the respective top ends of the vertically oriented support bars to attach the cage structure to the bottom of the trailer. The first wakeup request signal and the second wakeup request signal are one of concurrent and consecutive wakeup request signals. The sensing amplifier overdriving circuit may be used in a semiconductor device.


A locate device for a locate operation to detect a presence or an absence of one or more underground facilities is configured to access and display facilities map information, andor other image information, as a visual aid to facilitate the locate operation. The hydrocarbon fuel is injected into the fuel reformer as spray having a pulsating pressure. The arm is coupled to the gear train, and the override control is coupled to the arm.


An electrometer for use in measuring current is provided. The hierarchically structured menu may have a main menu, a plurality of submenus, and menu items. Consequently, loud speakers from which poor quality voices and good quality voices are output can be separated from one another, thus improving the total intelligibility of received voices. The present invention also provides containers having a multilayered body-forming portion including: a layer comprising the aforementioned blend; and one or more layers of a formable polymer composition. The second locking mechanism may be engaged upon closing a second door assembly. In a preferred embodiment, the figurative print comprises a primary, a secondary, and a tertiary figurative element.