
An apparatus for reporting location information reports location information to a base station when there is a reporting request for location information necessary for wireless location measurement from the base station and reports the location information necessary for the wireless location measurement to the base station according to a reporting period. Preferably, the transceivers can operate in both directions using a single-wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. Also, in some embodiments, the clamp may comprise a superelastic material, and the medical pacing wire may be adapted to allow a user to remotely cause the clamp to substantially release the living tissue that has been closed within the clamp without substantially damaging the living tissue. By altering the respective areas and lengths of the upstream and downstream sections a variety of different frequency dependent responses are obtained. The kit further includes a punch for use by the customer to make a time face from a print, said punch incorporating a cutter of a shape and size corresponding to that of the recess bottom. When the detected voltage is less than or equal to the threshold value, the response circuit determines a short circuit, and a signal is sent to the current restriction circuit to restrict current flow into the one or more LEDs.